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Restoring Rainforests for Sumatran Rhinos : Our Little Step to Support Way Kambas National Park

The Indonesian Rhino Initiative (IRI) supports the Way Kambas National Park in restoring Sumatran rhino habitat in three locations around the Way Kambas National Park area by involving local communities whose activities are funded by IRF.

Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) in Indonesia is home to endangered Sumatran elephants, tigers, and rhinos. This restoration program aims not only to restore habitat for Sumatran Rhino but for other wildlife protection in WKNP and also to provide alternative food sources for Sumatran rhinos living in the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary.

Following the discovery that the loss of rainforest habitat has been a major factor in the decline of the Sumatran rhino population, concrete steps have been taken to restore and preserve their natural environment. From rehabilitating damaged rainforest lands to implementing sustainable management practices, these efforts signify a serious commitment to ensuring the survival of this rare species.

The restoration of natural habitat is a crucial step in our efforts to save the Sumatran rhino from extinction. By collaborating with various stakeholders, we hope to provide a safe and sustainable environment for this highly endangered species.


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